Thursday, November 25, 2010


thousandforathousand is off to a slow and steady start, but looking good. Starting on the first paintings in the coming days, and I've even gotten some updates from participants about the awesome things they're doing! Cornelia from Germany is going to the (overcrowded) local dog shelters a few times a week to walk and play with the dogs, Sharon is volunteering her time at her son's preschool, Krystofer from Arizona gave 100% tips when he ate at a local pizza place, and Sarah from Pennsylvania started a fundraiser selling wristbands to raise money for the flood victims in Pakistan. (If you want to help Sarah, you can go to the UNICEF link right here.)

Take a Fear, Leave a Fear boxes are being readied and will be sent out soon (AKA as soon as I make some money/finish my finals.)

More to come, guys. You're great.

1 comment:

  1. Science is right and you were wrong. Did you even read it? Game, Set, Match.

    "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." - Winston Churchill
